
So. Haven’t written in a couple days. I think. I don’t know.

This week has been fine so far.

Tomorrow is the tattoo appointment. I know that I’m going to cry. I think the best part of this is going to be taking shots after. Mom said "I think we should all take shots after we get our tattoos. For Brady." Taking shots for a dog. Silly, but it feels like the right thing to do.

Last night was so fun. I hung out with Becca and we drove around. After of course, she told me she had seen Jc and Danielle at her work and called him a pussy bitch. And that honestly just made my fucking night. I was laughing so god damn hard. She said that she was commenting on his dermal in his cheek, and he was all stoked about it, and then she said "Yea my friend Casey is actually going in to get some on her hips" and his smile was GONE. So was Danielle’s 🙂 Makes me feel good. When we were driving around, we met Trevor at a stop light and raced him through town haha. It was so much fun I couldn’t even contain myself haha.

This morning started out bad. I kept waking up and I couldn’t figure out why. It’s amazing how my body KNOWS when there’s a disturbance. Woke up and looked at my phone. Saw a text. From Jc. Saying "I am very sorry for everything and I wish the best to you and your life 🙂 Keep your head up" I felt sick. Instantly. Told me he was trying to get right with everyone he’s ever wronged because tomorrow isn’t always promised to anyone. Like. I. Fucking. Care. Like, thanks. Glad you feel like shit for what you did, but don’t think that a simple I’m sorry text is going to make me your BFF. Bastard.

Tori and I are going to go to the mall in a bit. So I need to get primped and pretty for that. Then I’m either gonna kickit with Becca or Travis. We’ll see what my night brings me.

Time to go get pretty. To the best of my ability at least…



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