Why is everything so heavy?

Taking a break from schoolwork. I have the attention span of a preschooler at a glitter making factory. I honestly do not understand how I manage to pull off a 4.0 GPA when I can’t concentrate for long periods of time on my schoolwork. I won’t go as far as to call myself a mad genius but I’m certainly mad.

We’re T-minus one week until Chuck heads off to Utah and then D.C. It’s only 17 days of the month BUT Caroline just does not handle Chuck being away. She doesn’t handle change and disruptions and this will be hard on her. I just hope that I can help her through it.

Speaking of Caroline, this week and for most of the month of February she has to go through various evaluations. In Oregon she was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and anxiety. Her pre-school teacher called the local developmental pre-school to ask them to evaluate her again. I had her evaluated in June but had told them I had NO worries about development, just behavioral. So they evaluated her anyways and said she didn’t qualify for their services because she is not developmentally delayed. Well, yes, I told you that. They said if her pre-school had any concerns then they would contact them. Why not trust a parent? Why not trust a previous diagnosis? So her teacher called them and told them you can’t evaluate her alone because one-on-one she does great but when she’s around a large group of other people that she shuts down.

So we have 2 evaluation sessions and then they will observe her at her pre-school around other kids and then make a decision on whether she qualifies. I hate that she struggles so much. She gets over stimulated or anxious and just can’t handle it. If she is using something she panics if someone comes nearby. She panics around people. So by the end of the month we should know what they feel after the psychologist spends ample time with her. I just hope they can help her develop coping skills. That’s one of the things that I never learned growing up and I am terrible at helping her develop any because I don’t have any of my own. I want her to be stronger than I ever was. Hell, in some ways she really is so much stronger than I was but she could totally defeat these struggles she faces because she’s that freaking amazing. 🙂

Okay, well I guess I’ll get back to working on the paper I have to turn in before midnight!



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