Why can’t adults have tantrums?

Okay, first of all, I’m not talking about anything in the form of the middle of the grocery store just screaming to get one’s way. I’m referring to a physical tantrum in order to exert the physical manifestation in our bodies from anger, frustration, stress, sadness, confusion, anxiety, etc.

I’m talking about laying on the floor, on the bed, and kicking and crying and screaming if need be to get through it. We’ve been told in the past to scream into pillows. Why? Why hide the idea that you’re struggling? Why not just allow yourself to have a moment to do all those things? Why do we think it’s only acceptable to hit a punching bag at the gym or a punching bag at all. Of course, don’t hit other living beings, or other people’s belongings.

What if we didn’t wait until we have scanned our card and waited for a kickboxing class to start? What if we didn’t put a pin in our emotions and come back to it later?

Maybe we would see some improvement if we allowed ourselves to say, “nope, this is my limit and I need a moment to get this physical manifestation out of my body?” take 5 minutes and just come back to what we were doing instead of walking around like a brand new soda that has been shaken up far beyond its capacity?

What if we acknowledge the moments that do not bring forth a smile the same ways that we acknowledge having a great day?

Maybe facing those emotions, grabbing them with both arms and hugging it out until we explode and the emotion deflates, we’d have the option to walk around a little lighter in the feet because that unbearable feeling isn’t weighing us down and keeping our minds from being free.


Just a thought!

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May 3, 2018

I had a therapist suggest I throw dishes at a wall. Naming them first (people,situations). I have minitantrums now and then where I swear and rant… I am all for a good hissyfit

May 4, 2018

One time a therapist told me to “Paint a picture of the pain.” And then describe it. I remember crying and screaming as I described the making of the painting – all the pitch and gravel and whatever else I would throw into it. It was quite a release! … highly recommended….