What are your goals?
I’m always asked this when I start therapy with a new therapist or see a new psychiatrist. Tonight as I was trying to get schoolwork done, be my usual anti-social overuser of facebook, tweet up a storm, look up directions for Chuck because the hotel he’s at has WiFi that wouldn’t impress a snail without a shell, I saw the 35+ tabs I had open in my browser and it dawned on me; I had figured out my mental health goals.
“My goal with my anxiety, OCD, PTSD and depression is to one day function without a thousand tabs open, literally & in my mind!”
The idea of the hamster taking a nap and not running on the wheel constantly is a dream to me. My head would one day feel light and full of helium capable of flying to far places as I daydream rather than feeling heavy and weighed down by constant everything going on would be one I don’t remember as it probably last happened when I was a small child.
So that is what I am going to work toward.
What are your goals?