Moving on up
Well, as of tomorrow, I am for the first time in a very long time, I will be full-time employed. Once the latest shutdown happened I had this feeling that I needed to find something permanent. I loved my job on campus but it was only available if I was enrolled in 6 credits a quarter and no more than 120 hours a month with ZERO benefits. Each quarter my hours changed. From Fall to Winter I was going to lose $300 a month due to schedule changes.
And back to the shutdown thing, it didn’t directly affect Chuck this go round but I can’t trust that it won’t one day. And if something ever happened to him, I don’t want to try to put pieces together in a state of grief trying to get finances together.
So I was hired full time with full benefits at a local company. It reminds me of The Office but instead of selling paper we sell and repair copiers and office equipment for the entire western region from Colorado west. If something happens to Chuck’s job we’ll still have insurance for everyone. They pay well. Their 401k match is amazing. And they really take care of them employees. I just can’t believe how lucky I am.
This means that my classes will slow down quite a bit but I’m not giving up on them. I will be making enough money I could take a ton of extra classes if I wanted to. I could study nearly anything I want to. As I told them in my interview, constantly learning is what keeps my mind convinced that I’m 17 even if my body disagrees.
I couldn’t give up on school. I have the most amazing mentor. I’m in an amazing program. I have everything I could possibly need academically and I couldn’t give any of that up.
I get to know that I can take care of my family if I ever need to and that is HUMONGOUS to me. I have always hate relying so heavily on someone else to take of me financially.
I’m hoping that in August I’ll be heading to NC to visit family. My grandmother’s house burned down this week and I need to take my girls to see her. It’s been nearly 5 years since they last saw her and they need more time with their Gigi. And I’ll be able to afford to do that if I want to.
That’s it for now…
Congratulations on your new job! I think your reasons for wanting a full time job with good benefits is sound. Just think, your family will have more security now and that’s worth its weight in gold. I’m sorry your grandmother’s house burned down.
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