Removing Traits From People

If you could remove one trait from your significant other or yourself, what would it be?

There are many traits I would like to remove from myself or others: meanness, rudeness, disrespect, arogance, bias, narrow-mindedness, discrimination, domination, impulsivenss, selfishness, deceitfulness, nastiness, and indecency. All of these can be combined into one trait: badness or evil. They are traits that harm others and lead to chaos.

Having a good personality should take priority above all other traits. People need to have manners, care about others, control themselves, accept harmless differences, and strive towards carrying out good actions: cooperation, not competition!

All the other traits are not as important. There is no such thins as gender, race, creed, abilities, physical traits, or social class, but there is such thing as personality. We need to plunge the surface: the interior is more important.

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