No Laughing Matter

LJ Writer’s Block Question: What do you think is too serious to joke about?

Unfortunately, jokes have often become disguises for indirect attacks.  Many people have insulted someone, then quickly add, "It’s just a joke" or "I’m just kidding."  That is not right.  Besides, there are many things that are too serious to joke about, such as tragedies, disasters, nasty and improper content, dangers, threats, and others’ mistakes, failures, and suffering.  For example, when someone failed a class, joking about the poor grades will make them feel worse.  Jokes about plans to commit crime will also lead to trouble.

There are also wrong times to joke, such as when people in a hurry for important information, and others joke with wrong information.  That not only misleads the hurrying people, but also wastes their time.

Jokes should be about funny things without the intention of putting others down.  They should also not be about inappropriate topics and told at the wrong time.

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