
LJ Writer’s Block Question: What is the best April Fools’ Day joke you’ve ever fallen victim to?

Knowing that I wouldn’t be using most of my clocks and watches during the weekend, I decided to set them forward and get the hassles of Sunday night out of the way.  It was March 31, so Daylight Savings Time would begin the following Sunday.  When I woke up the next morning, my alarm clock scared me with the time until I recalled what I had done.  I then realized it was April Fool’s Day, and I had unintentionally played an April Fool’s joke on myself by setting my clocks forward, forgetting about it, and then scaring myself.  This was in 11th grade, when Daylight Savings Time began the first Sunday of April.

In 10th and 12th grade, nature played the April Fool’s joke on me: I was sick with a cold.  I don’t recall other April Fool’s joke since they were minor and didn’t really affect me.

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