Favorite Childhood Toy

Weekly Theme: Did you have a favorite toy when you were young? Do you still have it?

I had forgotten how or when I got the beige stuffed bunny I took everywhere.  I’m not sure how I let go of it, but I know I even quit sleeping with it in first grade.  I guess it got replaced by new dolls and stuffed animals, but by then I basically didn’t take bed toys out of my room anymore.  As the years passed, I sometimes still played with the beige bunny.

Later in elementary school, I happened to bring up the subject of my past favorite toy.  My parents then said that while shopping when I was two, I grabbed that cute beige bunny off the shelf.  Seeing that I wouldn’t let it go, they bought it for me.  Unfortunately, I can’t remember that part, but I know that I have kept that beige bunny as a souvenir.  It is still sitting in my room at my parents’ house.

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