Days of Online Rudeness
I’ve had to put up with unpleasant behavior online the past few months. Please do not rub it in that it’s my fault, those people are right, and I deserved them.
Encouraging a fanfiction writer
I read a fanfiction by SeaofDreams13 on March 20, 2012. In her Author’s Notes, she was complaining about people not reading or reviewing her stories, and began to wonder if her writing was bad. I left some compliments as well as questions over some confusing content, and pointed out some factual mistakes.
I concluded, “You should continue this. It is interesting. Just because people didn’t leave reviews doesn’t mean that they don’t like it, or that it’s a bad story. Sometimes people don’t have anything to say, or they can just be too busy to read and review.” I had meant that as an encouragement, telling her that she was not a bad writer, and to let her know other reasons people didn’t read and review.
She replied, answering my questions and clarifying confusion, then added, “i mean i understand ppl are busy, but if you are taking time to read something long, i assume that they’ll have time to review as well, if they have anything to say. : I’d like to know if i should continue, because I don’t really write things for myself. BTW, just a person thing i have, i don’t like it when people defend others like they know them. I like when other’s speak for themselves. It just irks me. . I don’t mean that in a harsh way..just…yea…please don’t be offended. I’m sure there are things you don’t tolerate from others as well, so yea. ANYWAYS, THANKS!”
I tried to reply but I got a page that said, “You are not allowed to pm this user.” SeaofDreams13 must have blocked me before I could apologize and encourage her further. I know I have blocked people who have attacked me, so this implied that I’m a hypocritic cyberbully who blocks people for no good reason. I don’t need anyone rubbing it in.
I also looked through her profile, and saw the following: “I’m into darkness…I’m a very nice person. jkjk i’m the kinda person who would beat you up if u [made me mad] :)” That sounded suspicious to me.
Opinions over a fictional character
On May 30, 2012, I was reading a comic and comments by others on a Hetalia fanpage at Facebook, and I posted, “That is so Prussia. That is why I hate him: rude, mean, arrogant, just evil.”
Some people replied to that, including the admin of a FB Page titled Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia/Hetalia), telling me to understand and not hate him. In the comments, I apologized for hurting anyone and causing trouble, then I also sent the apology by private message (PM) to the Gilbert Beilschmidt admin. He or she and I discussed the character as well as our opinions and reasons for them.
When I explained how I can’t tolerate rudeness, arrogance, and purposely hurting others, he or she replied, “OK. No one is perfect…” followed by some more information. I informed him or her that I know that no one is perfect, but that’s no excuse for putting others down or hurting others. Besides, people can improve and admit their mistakes. I also informed the admin that I am sensitive, unable to tolerate harshness or rudeness, and that pointing out the obvious was hurtful because it was indirectly falsely accusing me of expecting everyone to be perfect.
The statement indirectly meant, “You are selfish, mean, and hypocritic, asking everyone to be perfect when you’re not.”
After further discussion, the admin responded, “You should try to understand him before start saying this kind of thing about him, I’m not saying that you need to like him but you really should try to understand him”
The whole time, the admin asked me questions, then attacked me for my answers and opinions. In my reply, I pointed out that my opinion of the character was based on what I saw in the series, and that it was my interpretation. I went on to say that since it’s a fictional character, I thought could just express my opinion while for real people it would be a different story. I also informed him or her that what he or she said was hurtful, and that I don’t take well to false accusations. At the same time, I apologized for being rude, mean, arrogant, and bad in other ways, and admitted that it had been a mistake to personally send the apology by PM, that I should have just left off with the apology in the comments on the fanpage.
I tried to block the Page, but FB doesn’t allow that option. Even when I changed the PM options, I still got the admin’s reply. Fortunately, it was an apology. Please do not rub in that I’m rude, mean, arrogant, self-centered, irresponsible, narrow-minded, or demanding everyone to be perfect.
I was making comments on a YouTube video, and saying that some things didn’t make sense, and when that happens, I get confused and don’t understand what’s going on. Spazzezwithfriends replied that nonsense and not understanding things made it fun and laughable, so it’s a good tradeoff.
I should have not said anything, but on June 11, I stupidly and selfishly commented, “It’s good you can laugh at not making sense and not being able to understand. For me, if something doesn’t make sense, I get confused, and find it not funny. I’m more of the no-nonsense type, so making sense is more important to me.”
Spazzezwithfriends attacked:
“hmm, seems counterintuitive to me. in what universe is anything, no nonsesnce funny?they say that as humans find things funny when things dont make sence. when the brain, used to a way of thinking, is suddenly supprised by a twist it didnt understand prior to the event. like the video that "vsauce" posted a while back. you should watch it.
oh, and the smug tone you give off in the begining of you comment is not appreciated.”
My reply was:
“I do not appreciate false accusation. I say what I mean, so I was saying it’s good when you can do something I can’t, and people having different opinions is nice. I’m sorry if you see it as offense.
I just told the truth of my opinion: I get confused when something doesn’t make sense, and that makes it not funny for me. You think nonsense is funny while I don’t, but I do not ask you or others to have the same opinion. I never said that those who like nonsense are bad or wrong.
You are the one who attacked me by saying ‘counterintuitive&rsqu
o; and ‘in what universe is,’ then making a false accusation. Your words, especially ‘what universe’ imply that my opinions are wrong or not allowed anywhere. I also know other people who don’t like nonsense or illogical things for various reasons. I don’t really like surprises either, preferring to know and understand everything in advance. I may be boring, but that’s what I prefer. You’re free to enjoy different things.”
I went to Spazzezwithfriends’ YT Channel to block him or her and found some past suspicious comments in his or her Feed.
“and so the back and forth rants begin. why cant we all just be respectfull of what we like? i prefer english dub but i dont go shoving it in peoples faces how some of the japanese voices sound like chicks(@ herozo) and i certenly dont go tastlessly attacking people back and shouting my preferences as fact,(@ mr thantos, potty mouth) or misspelling the object of my objection. if you people really loved what you say you do, language wouldnt matter.”
“i like to listen to this music, but hate to walk into religous debates epecialy the ones involving sexuality. its dumb because people misinterpret things. there was a gay couple at my church.married gay couple at a catholic church. everyone was cool with it as long as they didnt go against the bible rules like no sodomy. it was only untill they were doing stuff like that, that the church asked them? to leave.”
“no moron”
He or she was lying in those comments since he or she attacked me for different opinions, tried to start a debate and force his or her opinion on me, and made a false accusation. I do not need any rub-ins that I’m rude, arrogant, and narrow-minded.
Comment on picture about stereotypes
I saw a picture message about stereotypes with members’ comments on another fanpage at FB on July 6. I then commented a little on the picture, and replied to some of the comments.
The admin posted that it was just for fun, people know the truth, and that I should rant somewhere else. She singled me out and falsely accused me of ranting when a few others before me had made comments similar to mine. I told her that I was mostly replying to other members, and that there are many people who follow stereotypes and expect them to be true. Later, I received notice of a reply, but it was not there. I saw that she had removed both of my comments as well as hers. I do not need anyone else saying that she is right to single me out and falsely accuse me of ranting and ruining things.
Different interpretations
On July 21, a FB Friend posted, “My girlfriend told me that she has bronchitis… I wish I had a dinosaur.” When some of us commented with “get well” wishes, someone insulted that we were stupid to not be able to notice the joke.
I replied, “Sorry, but it’s hard to tell if this is a joke or not. I really don’t want people to be sick.”
Her reply was “ending with i wish i had a dinosaur makes it clear it was a joke. i mean if it were true im sure he wouldnt say that :(“
I apologized, “Sorry if my stupidity bothers you. We don’t need anyone one rubbing in how stupid or ignorant we are. Different people interpret things differently. What’s obvious to some people may not be obvious to others. People can be serious and add something off track, or they can talk about more than one thing at once.”
The next day, I found the status post removed, and I also couldn’t find the attacker in my friends’ Friends Lists. She could have blocked me, changed her profile picture, or her name. It could be a combination of those three. Besides, I didn’t really remember her name.
Agreeing and being interrupted
While looking through the latest DeviantArt updates on August 11, I saw an image that stated, "If you wouldn’t do it to a real person, don’t do it to a fictional one."
The artist followed with the following explanation: “Like an old saying goes ‘Do onto others as you’d want other to do onto you’ why shouldn’t that be the same for fictional characters? They may not be real, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get respect. They have fans and the fans feel for them. If they get hated on, the fans feel it. There are people out there just like some of the characters, so if you wouldn’t treat them bad, don’t treat the character bad.”
I left a comment:
“Good point! I agree. I’ve actually been pointing this out since I was a child. I hate it when people say, ‘It’s just a cartoon/movie/video game/fiction!’ That’s just their excuse to be mean. The way people treat fictional characters reflects their personality. People who treat fictional characters badly often do it to real people, too, or they want to do it, but know they’ll get in trouble.
I just saw the comments below, but can’t find the one you mentioned. Telling people not to treat fictional characters badly does not mean being unable to tell apart fact and fiction. Then having bad opinions on characters is different from being mean to them.
Mostly what I say only apply to characters with good personalities. For those with bad personalities, it’s different."
A few hours later, I received a Notice that PokemonStarVersion had replied, “You’re full of s___.” It really hurt, so I blocked her.
When I happen to see another person agreeing with me and the artist, I stupidly told that person that I agreed and mentioned about the attack.
The person asked, "Why do you need to tell me that someone attacked you?" I said that it was because we stated similar reasons, and we’re getting attacked for it. In a way, I was giving her a heads up, but my weakness of explaining things got in the way again. I refrained from saying that I can’t tolerate rude or other unpleasant behavior and had to complain about it.
It seems like PokemonStarVersion has too much time since she dug through many comments, and on August 12, I saw her replied saying something that I didn’t mean:
“Um no. I ‘attacked’ her because she said that doing something to a fictional person means that you have REAL LIFE desires to do those things but are afraid of getting caught. And that, is bulls___.
If I say ‘Johnny pushed Bill off a cliff’ it doesn’t mean I want to push someone off a cliff. That’s utterly retarded.”
I then answered:
“I meant that the way someone treats a fictional character often reflects their personality inreal life. When they attack a fictional character (usually verbally), and people don’t like it, they say, ‘It’s just fiction,’ or something similar. I have seen many of these people being rude and attacking others, especially verbally, in real life. At times, they have been violent and expressed desire to hurt others.
I never said that saying something like ‘Johnny pushed Bill off a cliff’ meant you ‘want to push someone off a cliff.’ I don’t take well to false accusations. What I meant was that people who say, "Ha, ha ha!" to good characters in trouble or "I’ll kill you!" to them is a reflection of their bad personality. Many of these have said it to others in real life, are often bullies, and have hurt people purposely when they could get away with it. They are not saying a 3rd party did something, but that they themselves are going to do it. For example, they are saying ‘I’m going to push Bill off a cliff.’
Besides, I wasn’t even talking to you or about you in the first place. My first comments were for InvaderPumpkinQueen, so please don’t barge in. I didn’t even see your comments when I made those first ones. I was just looking for the comment field (not always on top), and saw other people’s comments, but not yours.”
After posting, I realized that I had clicked on the wrong Reply button. I tried to copy and paste it to the field with the correct Reply button to find that PokemonStarVersion had blocked me so the post couldn’t go through. Well, that is expected because of what happened, including my blocking her first. I also reported her first attack at me, but I don’t think dA will do anything. They told me to just block unpleasant users.
I discovered another mistake I made: posting comments in public. I should have just sent a private note to the artist as well as the person I agreed it. That way, rude people would not have seen my comments and have the chance to attack.
I do not need anyone reminding me, "These people are right, and you deserved it," "They are nice people, and you are the one causing trouble and being mean and unfair," "You always have to deviate and do things differently from everyone!" "Someone like you shouldn’t be online!" or anything similar.
I am aware that I made some bad comments about some fictional characters with bad personalities, but don’t like it when people attack or disrepect characters with good personalities. When I complain about villains or other bad characters, I’m not saying that they should not be included. I just don’t like them for their bad deeds and personalities. I like characters many people don’t like, and don’t like characters that many people like, which is an example of my deviating and doing things different from the majority. Maybe I am seeing the characters wrong: good characters as bad and vice versa. I’m probably too stupid and irresponsible to see thing correctly.
Another thing regarding contradiction is the blocking users. I block people who offend or put me down, but am hurt when others block me because being blocked means I’m an unfair cyberbully or spammer. My reaction also makes me hypocritic.
I know I am a terrible person: a rude, arrogant, mean, irresponsible, opinionated, controlling, narrow-minded, and self-centered hypocrite and cyberbully who contradicts myself. I’m really sorry for it. Please do not rub it in! I’ve had enough put-downs for awhile.