Computer Went Down Again

I thought about catching up on clerkship reports and other things after finals on Saturday 3/14, but I was still sick, and my computer went down again on Monday, 3/16.  This means my reports had to wait because I needed the computer for them.  I felt as if the world was against me.

My computer did start to act strangely again for the past few weeks, such as extra files after updates as well as my web browser freezing.  My virus scan program also detected a virus or Spyware trying to enter.  I began to suspect that I picked up the contamination from the school computer.  Twice this quarter, I had to do a presentation on it.  Both times, after the presentations, when I plugged in my flash drive into my own computer, I would get warnings about a virus, which made me decide to reformat my flash drive.

During the weekend, I kept getting warnings for the virus, and even though I refused the invasion, the warning kept popping up, stopping my computer from working.  I then did virus and Spyware scans, but nothing was found.  Monday morning, 3/16, some of the computer programs began acting strangely, and I suddenly get a little window saying that Windows needed to restart, so I closed all my programs, but the computer still didn’t restart.  I then manually told it to restart, and it got stuck, so I turned it off by force.  After that, whenever I turned on my computer, Windows just wouldn’t start, so that night, I took it in for service… yes, again.

The technicians said that it could have been that virus, or Windows updates being incompatible, wiping out the desktop.  They told me that many customers complained about Windows updates crashing their computers, and suggested not to install anymore updates, expect for Windows Vista Service Packs. You all might want to keep that in mind, too.  I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll remind you that if you don’t need Windows Vista, please don’t get it.  Stick with Windows XP.  I never had so many problems with XP, but after getting Vista (since it was preinstalled on my current computer), I’ve had endless problems.

Due to Windows needing to be restored, I had to transfer, download, and reinstall all the programs and files again.  Fortunately, I had most of them on my new external hard drive, and I did burn many files to DVDs.  Unfortunately, I still lost quite a few files from the last month, because hadn’t copied them to my external hard drive yet.  I managed to get most of them redownloaded and restored, but I still lost the files I use to create and edit my personal websites.  I thought I had them on my external hard drive, but they weren’t there.  I must have overlooked it on my computer or accidentally deleted it off my external hard drive.  There goes my stupidity, irresponsibility, and forgetfulness again.  The past week, I have managed to find some of the web graphics again, but there are still many I couldn’t find.  I guess they are no longer available since it’s been a long time.  That is several years of searching and downloading down the drain.

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