CHA Hamster Show

For a few days I was trying to decide if I would attend the California Hamster Association (CHA) show. It would be a long drive, which was the reason I hadn’t attended any CHA shows until last year. Even then, I didn’t enter my hamsters, because I was afraid to just be wasting my time and money for my three Syrian hamsters to lose. Meeting rude people at the show also made me not want to attend future shows.

After some convincing, I finally did enter my pet hamsters in smaller shows in my area. However, I do not have hamsters of show quality, especially since I am no breeder, so my hamsters would win if they were the only entries in their categories. Fortunately, CHA shows have Fun Classes instead of just Standard.

I was still trying to decide yesterday as I bought Kritter Keepers and fruit for the show. Finally I set my alarm to get up early and made the long drive to the show.  I filled out the paperwork, checked in, and bought a bag of show bedding, which I had to change to. There were people from long distances as well. I saw many cute Syrian and dwarf hamsters.

I was glad I had entered my hamsters, especially since Spice was disqualified for her health condition. Without the show, I would never had known that she had rapid breathing and heart rate. She spent the rest of the show in a quiet spot sleeping, and I checked on her at times.  I will soon be taking her to a vet.

The Syrians and dwarves were judged separately, as well as males and females. Sugar won first place for Best Pet and Fastest in the Ball while Sucrose placed third in Mellowest and first in Fastest in the Ball. I also won two raffle prizes. We learned about current and new colors and patterns as the judges talked through the Standard Classes judging, and they even sold hamsters and hamster products.

The hamsters were either eating, sleeping, or trying to escape. Winners had pictures of their hamsters and ribbons taken. It was not easy since the hamsters would not stand still. I rewarded my hamsters with treats when I returned, happy to have winners as pets. I would still love my hamsters if they didn’t win.

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