If you could bring back one person and have a conversation with them, who would it be?
My Grandpa.
Now that he is all better and happier, he can eat now and hear and is living the time of his life up with God right now, I would ask him how he did it. How was he able to pull through all of those surgeries and all of those hospital visits and helicopter rides and still wanted to live? All he ever could do as he got older and lost his hearing, was sit in a chair with his blanket with sports on. But he never gave up. He taught me not to give up. There is still hope. He was the most patient and honest man I knew. I would ask him to give me the tools he used to keep going even if you wanted to stop fighting. I think I already know what kept him going. Is our family. We have the most amazing family and we are very lucky to be close. I don’t need to keep talking shit about them, because if that’s what kept my Grandpa going, I know I need to turn my shit around and do the same. My family gives me many chances, I need to give them some too. It’s time to get things right. I don’t want to hide all the time. I do know they love me, I just don’t love myself right now. And I am embarrassed. But family doesn’t judge, we are all there for each other. And especially now, without my grandpa, and my Grandma needs me, it’s time for me to buckle up and be strong and pay my respects.
First easter without my Grandpa, so being a little sentimental. I know he is up there with God and all of the other angels. I love him and miss him dearly. It’s only been a few months.
What a lovely, lovely, lovely entry. Your Grandpa sounds as if he were very special and that he played a big role in your life. I hope sometimes when you think of him, you might feel like he’s there whispering back to you in your ear. Happy Easter!
@wildrose_2 I appreciate the note. I am grieving a little right now, for so many things and issues that have been going on. When I think of my Grandpa, I have hope. He was able to fight through every obstacle course that came his way. I am so proud of him. He deserves to be happy and in less pain now. He lived a long good 91 years of life. He deserves an eternity of lifetime of happiness now. He was there for all of us when he was alive. Thank you.
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Your grandpa sounds like he was pretty awesome, and I am sure he would be proud to read this entry and see your growth. I hope you and your family had a lovely Easter.

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