Drinking water and listening to Tay…
And just trying to wake up really…. it’s about almost 6am. It gets light out early in the summertime, so my body is tricked into thinking that it’s later… ha.
Today I have my bath with Liz. Thank gosh that she is back in Canada again. I missed her. She is gentle and thorough and doesn’t rush us. ♥
Also, Lil Sis aka Jess is coming in for the weekend. She arrives today at 1pm. It will be good to see her once again. She is going to fix my bed bc one of the legs is off and the motor is detached.
I want to get some thick licorice whips. I am addicted to them. Anna used to get them for me.
Um, Jeffy, my Pixel phone keeps vibrating when charging… what do you think it is??
Which pixel is it? It vibrates the whole time it’s charging or just when you plug it in?
@heffay Mainly when it’s charging love.
@canadianeh22 does it take a long time to charge?
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Don’t you just love your Google phone? I’m on my second one, the 7Pro, and I love it.
@darkmadonna It’s my baby Cathi. I even prefer it over my iPhone!
@canadianeh22 why do you have two phones??
@darkmadonna One for monitoring my diabetes. One for fun.
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You reminded me that I want to order some black licorice. I haven’t had it in a very long time.
@kotila Black licorice is like the b0mb. I love red too.
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