Oh, Hey There.

 I feel guilty, like I’ve abandoned this site, even though I still read my favorites regularly.


I’m typing this out on my phone, so I apologize for any typos. I no longer have Internet at home. Johnny and I now live together, though, so that’s a plus.

Life is pretty happy, and I’m content with how things are. Now, things back in Wisconsin are a bit chaotic, but I’ve learned to not let things I cannot change effect my own life.(Such a long story, there, but I will write about it for humors sake. That’s another thing, when shit hits the fan, just laugh. That’s all you really can do…)

I’m sitting in my car waiting for Johnny to get off of work, and I’m just contentedly happy. The air is warm, yet cool on my skin, the sky is clear and filled with stars (I’m going to try to watch some of the meteor shower tonight), I hear crickets and frogs chirping and croaking, and my heart is full. I’m just happy. The world is so much sweeter when you’re happy.


I just got back yesterday from visiting my family in Wisconsin. It was a pretty uneventful trip this time, luckily, an it was nice to see my family… But the whole time I missed Johnny. When I got home, though, we had the best sex we ever had, and that made me even happier. Haha.

Things are just going pretty smoothly. I’m a nanny now, the girls will be 5 months this week, and I love having the privilege to watch them grow up. They are just adorable girls, and the family I work for is simply amazing. I couldn’t have asked for a better job.

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