
I just finished off a glass of milk and a few Oreos, meanwhile laying in bed watching TV shows on Netflix.

Living on your own is relaxing. You have no one to answer to, no one to nag you when your clean laundry is still sitting in the bags to be put away from Sunday (whoops), nobody to tell you that you’re eating too much or too little, that your sleeping to much, or staying up too late. At the same time, though, you have no one to keep you company. Sometimes, that’s just all I want.

Johnny lives, honestly, like 20 feet away from me. While he stays over every other night, he still doesn’t come over until around 8pm, sometimes later and sometimes earlier, and that leaves us just a few hours until I fall asleep. Which is okay, but I miss actually spending time with him. Secretly, I can’t wait until the weather gets cold and he no longer has nice weather to work outside in. To his defense, though, he does work until 6:30 or 7:30 every night, but still. I get lonely.

Anyway, things are actually going really well; my job just keeps getting better. I seem to have won the respect from my husband-wife-boss-combo, and they both seem to actually enjoy me working there now. My 90-day probationary period is over, so that means I will get my 90-day evaluation, raise, AND paid holidays (yay Monday!)! I’m happy there, which is crazy. I work with nice people, the parents are nice, and all the kids moved up on Tuesday so I have my new class. The kids are amazingly wonderful!

I’m tired. Like, really really tired. I think I should go to sleep. Rah.

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