wouldn’t it be nice

darlin’, we’ve had a good run, but i’ve moved on.

i like to hear from you every so often because i know the light that resonates in you, and it’s catching.  you still burn.  something that sacred–it has a way of sticking with you.  i’m not intersted in stirring up old emotions.  ghosts of love or enfatuation, wherever they may be.  i’m interested in living in the now.  in me being where i am and you being where you are and recognizing that it’s good.  maybe remembering just enough of the past to smile and be warm, but not enough to fear it.

if you’re not ready for that, that’s ok.  and maybe you won’t be.  maybe i won’t be.  maybe a monthly hello will suffice.  maybe a call at christmas time, or on a birthday, just to say i know what you are worth.  years might pass, the span of a lifetime, and that would be alright.  just so long as you know.  just so long as you always know, however far we drift apart, i know you.  people in your life will change, you’ll travel the world, you’ll change it’s shape.  it is what you are.  but i knew the inner you for a little while, and that is constant, no matter how your world evolves.  that’s the part i hope i can someday see in every living thing.  for some reason, when i looked at you, it was impossible to miss it.  the truth in you.  i hope that’s the part that i can always recall best.  with a smile and a hand to the heart, a breath and nod. 
we did some good things for one another, you and I.  maybe that’s enough.

maybe that’s enough.

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