to love and be loved

the next time
I fall in love
it will be
something to sustain me
 there won’t be
anything to constrain me
and I will be free
to love and be loved

the next time
I fall in love
there will be no past,
there will be no future
but only this moment
and the peace found in knowing
the very heart of life
is to live and let love

oh the next time
I fall in love
I will be wiser,
I will be older
and this seasoned heart
won’t be any colder;
only grown deep
to love even bolder

for the one thing I’ve learned
through all of these heartaches
the one thing I’ve gained
for all of this time
is that although I’m certain
one day I’ll find it
you won’t find me waiting
no, I’m leaving my pain behind

for the next time
I fall in love
it will be
a force to sustain me
and there won’t be
anything to contain me
and I will be free
to love and be loved

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