this week

on monday, i can’t remember what happened during the day.  probably the usual.  class, voice lesson, etc.  in the evening i tried to call dominic.  unsuccessfully.  i tried to call chris too, and he could talk to me for 10 mins before he had to go.  that was annoying.  i told him not to tell me he’s going to call anymore.  i said that i would rather he just surprise me, than tell me that he’s going to call and then not.

stereolab on tuesday was good;  it was so excessively happy.  it was one big dance party.  and there was blue eyeshadow guy.  he was GREAT.  haha he pegged chelsea as giving off a “fuck off” vibe, and said that i look like i go to frat parties.  that made me sad.  but not really, because it was so far from the truth that we all got a good laugh out of it.  anyway.  and stereolab played my favoite song of theirs.  🙂 

wednesday was insane.  and usually wednesdays are not insane, but with all the stuff i have to do before the 8th, not a day goes by isn’t insane.  i had class, then the costume shop for 4.5 hours, then to conduct research with darcy, then an actout meeting, then evening prayer, for which i was speaking, and then went on a walk with brian to the awesome park.  it was a busy day.  i tried to get work done, but there was no time.

thursday: slept through gcom.  got up and got ready for psych data analysis in lab.  went to psych, to lunch, to lab.  then to dukes right after lab, then right to music class.  then i *tried* to do my ISST test, but the lab was closed.  psssht.  then after attempting to do some more work, i went to the student film festival, despite my better judgement.  it was a lot of fun, but as i expected, going to that instead of studying kept me up until 4, studying and reading the play for the exam the next day.

today, i have been running around like a crazy person.  i went to class this morning, took my exam, and i think i B-ed it.  meh.  came back, showered, said goodbye to katie, went to the costume shop and told them i couldn’t be there today because i had to go to acting out.  went to the post office and *finally* mailed chris’ birthday present.  god.  that took forever.  April 9 was his birthday.  ok so then i went to let’s go to stalk up on food for the weekend, because i don’t have money and don’t want to spend what i don’t have on food while i’m away from my meal plan.  so i went there, and came back to my dorm, set my stuff down so i could leave again for acting out, looked at my cell, and saw that i had a missed call.  it was brendan.  “hey, where are you?”  then talking to julie, i think, “is she coming?  oh, she’s not coming?” and to me again “ok, we left.”  so i’m like, he’s kidding, right?  so i called him back, and couldnt get a hold of him.  it was like 12:00 and he had called at 11:53.  so i left for dukes at noon, like i do every friday, but not before checking my email to find that we were going to meet at 11:45 instead of 12:15 today.  crap.  so i go to dukes, and look everywhere for them, i call julie twice, and brendan twice more.  no one is there, and i can’t reach anyone.  they left without me.  for our last visit to turner ashby.  that sucks. 

so now i’m back in my room, and i am going to write my paper and pack for blue ridge boogie. being sure to bring all the homework that i’m not going to get done while i’m there.  whoo.

wow that was long and boring.  apologies.

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