strange dreams and crazy days

last night was odd.

I dreamt that I was home… perhaps for spring break?  I don’t know, but I was at a place that looked like an arboretum or something equivalent, with a collection of various friends.  Everyone was hanging out, and Chris and I were walking through the woods, talking.  It was a lot like the walks we used to take… and then, despite that everything still stood that had happened during winter break, he put his hand in mine and his arm around me as we walked.  I was confused about this, but I went with it.  We sat down on a fallen log and he said he wanted to talk.  I was a little surprised, but I said ok and listened to what he wanted to say.  He said that he had made a mistake, that he wanted to be with me and no one else, even though the distance was difficult.  That though he misses me while I’m gone, what he misses more is talking to me like he used to… like we were more than friends.  I was completely floored… and even more so when he kissed me.  The dream went on to more unrelated oddness, but that’s insignificant. 

I woke up, so weirded out.  I really haven’t thought about Chris at all since I’ve been back at school.  So why the strange dream?  I have only talked to him twice, and both times, I got nothing more than friend vibes from him.  I thought I didn’t want anything more from him.  I thought I knew that.  Yeah, I miss talking to him, but that’s it.  Now I’m thinking about him more often because of that dream, and how nice it felt to have his arm around me.  Strange how the subconscious works.

This whole day has been an insane marathon and I’m glad to have a few minutes to sit here and think about things before I run off to the next thing.  Yey for a home cooked meal at Caitlin’s tonight. 

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February 3, 2004

sometimes kissing someone in a dream doesnt actually mean you want to get with them. sometimes i dream about making out with ross, still, and it’s totally weird. and sometimes i dream about making out with other people that i know i dont have any interest in . . like my friend’s little brother .. that was weird. eh, i dont know. 🙂