some overdue catharsis

sometimes it’s really difficult to remember that life goes on.

it’s so simple to become wrapped up in what you want and where you’d like to be that you forget that where you are is really ok.  really good even.  and the now is really the only thing that exsists, so accepting it is the key to being truly content. 

so what if you aren’t the best and brightest by the world’s definition.  so what if you aren’t number one.  so what if you haven’t found the one true thing yet.  you are where you need to be.  right now.  and you’ll get to where you’re going eventually.  right?

i just think about where i’ve been and what i’ve done and who i’ve loved over the course of my short life and i become conflicted.  a little sad and a little nostalgic and a little joyful at once.  there’s been so much good and life and light but the loss of some of that light seems cast a shadow over the brightness at times. and i wonder, how can that be.  how can that be how can that be how can that be?  doesn’t light dispell the darkness?

i understand that pain is a part of life, and makes the good that much better.  but i don’t want to feel inadaquate.  i don’t want my feelings of beauty and self worth to be defined by anyone but myself.  i want to remember always that i am good and can continue to be such, no matter what happens in my life.  no matter who knows me and cares for me and wishes to be close to me.  some things are out of my control, but not how i feel about myself or how i feel about life.  no matter who decides i’m not worth the trouble.  i deeply and truly want to understand and accept that certain things are just not meant to be.  that certain things just don’t work.  and that it’s ok.  that it’s good. 

i think i really do need to be on my own for awhile.  i think i want to be, in fact.

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September 11, 2006

kirsten, i feel bad for whatever i said to you yesterday because i really just feel like i was stumbling over words and saying i dont know over and over, and i guess that’s true. but i think what you’ve written here is good. you’re okay, you know? you are so strong, and so independent, and you are such an inspiration to me when i feel down and out like you currently do. you’re amazing, and it

September 11, 2006

has nothing to do with anyone else. sometimes all you see is the darkness, but believe you me it’s not that way forever. and i imagine that even today feels better than yesterday, and it will only get better from there. when i get really sad, i think about how i just want to leave a trail of positivity wherever i go. it makes me feel like i can change the world. i love you <3