so happy.

first of all, the prayer gathering for Carlos was beautiful.  I’m so glad that so many people came.  second, dinner at d-hall with at least 8 wonderful kids, including Guy, Bryan and Becky, was amazing. third, Bryan and i went to waiting for godot.  which was good, but even better is the feeling that things are normal again with Bryan.  it had been weird for awhile–there were some issues we were working through.  but tonight, everything seemed right in the world.  and he got a haircut. yey Bryan. haha.

fourth, Chris called me.  completely out of the blue; unexpectedly.  his reason?  he “misses talking to me, and there’s no one else [he]feels comfortable talking to about everything of import in his life, except [his] brother.”  let me just say the conversation was amazingly wonderful.  and that if i had any doubts about our friendship after the happenings of winter break, they have vanished.  i have not been so certain of anything pertaining to him in months.  and it fills me with absolute joy.  so perhaps my dream last night was slightly prophetic?  not in any romantic sense, but in that Chris was going to reveal to me that he still values our friendship.  he still cares about me.  yey.  =)

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February 5, 2004
