ok, I know it’s been awhile

Wow, I have been back to school for almost a week now.  And things are going well, I suppose.  SO many new things have happened in such a short time.  I have gone to all but one of my new classes (one doesn’t start until next week) and they are all super good.  I don’t have too much to do yet in the way of school work either, so things are good.  My professors are pretty cool; this really odd guy who goes off on tangents every 3 seconds teaches my GCOM class–which is at 8am in the modular all the way across campus–so that’s fun.  haha.  And my music teacher is also really cool, but I’m just a nut about music in general, so it could probably be Satan himself and I would be good.  OH this is really happy!  I’m going to be taking voice lessons!  But not just *any* voice lessons; FREE voice lessons!  See, I talked to the head of the voice department, and she has these grad students who need undergrads to tutor for their practicum, and then they will be graded on how well they teach those undergrads.  I get to be one!  eep!  And that also means, I will be singing in front of their grad class 3 times.  That’s kinda scary, especially since they’re going to videotape me and then analyze my singing and posture etc.  Oh well… FREE LESSONS! 

Ok, what else is new?  I went snowboarding yesterday!  And I HURT.  And SUCK at it.  haha.  I fell so many times.  You see, I am a skier, not a boarder, and yesterday was my first time ever.  I almost hit the post that holds up the lift, which was quite humorous.  Katie really knows how to fall though.  She careens down the mountain, like, insanely.  And I quote:  “and wow, I got good at falling.  Like, I’m talking, fall on your ass, slide down the hill, snow in your jacket, board in the air, careen across the snow, roll a few yards kind of falling.  Like, hit the snow in your face kind of falling.  Wow.  It was a lot of fun.”  Oh, that Katie.  I think Chelsea is coming with us next time.  That will be amazing and hilarious and I really can’t wait to see how she falls and screams.  Does that make me a bad person? 


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not a bad person at all. only a normal person. i want to see her scream, as well. we are such good friends. 🙂 love, katie