oh yeah

i just realized i never wrote about my birthday.

it was lovely, and spent with many good friends at the spaghetti factory downtown, followed by rimsky’s.   i love the abarias.  i also love ariel.  and kelly.  and colleen.  and my sister and brother. 

i got an mp3 player and shiny new chuck taylors.  🙂

that reminds me that i have yet to go swing dancing since i’ve been home.  i must remedy this problem quickly.

and yesterday i got a package from katie in the mail.  i laughed so hard and i loved it.  and then  i talked to chelsea yesterday, and i told her about it, and she was like “your present is on my kitchen table!  do you want to know what it is!”  hahah.  she got me amelie!  🙂  i’m excited for when i get it and watch it 20 times in a row. 

i talked to bryan online the other day, and he’s supposed to call me eventually.   it was good to hear from him after such a long time.  it’s really weird that i don’t know what’s happening in a lot of my friends lives.  the only people i really talk to on a regular basis are katie and chelsea.  and even then, it’s not that often.  i think i feel like it’s more often than it is because i read their diaries all the time and i’m always thinking about them. 

wow i miss those kids.

i need to get a hold of becky.  soon.   she could have died, and i wouldn’t know.  that makes me really sad. 

isn’t it funny how i thought i would be so happy to be home that i would be dreading the day summer would end and i would be going back to school, and now it’s become quite the opposite?  i think that a lot of that is due to the situation with my grandma, which really changed how the summer was going to go.  and also there’s that other thing.  which still sucks.  i thought i was doing better with the whole situation until yesterday when i was talking to my sister about it for the first time (i thought i was comfortable after a month has passed).  let’s just say it wasn’t good.  yelling and tears ensued.  at least i discovered what i can’t talk to gennie about.  i don’t think she gets me sometimes. 

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June 15, 2004

a month is a very short time in the getting-over-boys-who-broke-your-heart spectrum. but i love you! and i wont ever break your heart 😀

Everything is funny sometimes. Do you actually swing dance the real way? I’ve always been wanting to learn.

June 17, 2004

RYN: yeah we actually get mad bands here all the time. I thought you would too seeing as they all come from there? I wanna let him go, in the relationship sense, but Ive gotta work out a way to keep him as a friend and thats the hard but. thanx but 🙂 – Lisa

June 17, 2004

i love books. hardcore.