


Wow. I just talked to the coolest kid ever for 2 hours and 10 minutes! I can’t believe how much he made me laugh, and I JUST met him today kinda off of friendster, but also cuz he knows Kelly. Wow. It made me so happy to meet such a cool kid! Excerpts from our conversation:

EnvirOphreaK116: theo is a cool name…it makes me think of an oreo.
EnvirOphreaK116: or a black guy.
EnvirOphreaK116: but i like the name 🙂
soimpossible531: LOL


soimpossible531: will you marry me?
soimpossible531: lol

EnvirOphreaK116: YES!
soimpossible531: i already have a fiance, but we decided poligamy is ok
EnvirOphreaK116: right on!


soimpossible531: are you really laughing when you
say “HAHAHA”
EnvirOphreaK116: YES!
EnvirOphreaK116: *busts out laughing*
EnvirOphreaK116: okay. i laugh A LOT.
soimpossible531: LOL
soimpossible531: me too!
soimpossible531: hahahaha
EnvirOphreaK116: IT’S SO WONDERFUL!
soimpossible531: my roomate is like, wtf is wrong with you


soimpossible531: HARHARHAR
soimpossible531: i cant breathe
EnvirOphreaK116: and al is like BLAH BLAH BLAH SEX!
soimpossible531: lol
EnvirOphreaK116: and i’m like DUDE MAMA J IS ALL CONCERNED NOW
soimpossible531: LOL
soimpossible531: im feeling lightheaded
soimpossible531: from all the laughing


soimpossible531: HAHAAHA
soimpossible531: i think you are hazardous to my health
EnvirOphreaK116: HAHAHA
soimpossible531: i’m not so sure that it’s healthy to laugh this much
EnvirOphreaK116: HAHA and omg! just think if we were together
EnvirOphreaK116: we’d be bawling our eyes out
soimpossible531: HOLY CRAP
soimpossible531: DAMN YOU
soimpossible531: MOVE TO VIRGINIA
soimpossible531: OR OREGON
soimpossible531: haha
EnvirOphreaK116: HAHA OK!


soimpossible531: cuz youre way cooler
soimpossible531: like x10
soimpossible531: haha
EnvirOphreaK116: umm…no, you’re definitely waaaaay cooler 😀
soimpossible531: oh stop /gives a coy push
EnvirOphreaK116: *does the gay hand motion* no honey, YOU stop. *pushes you down the stairs* *covers mouth and says “OOPS HONEY!!! ARE YOU OK?”*
soimpossible531: rotflmao


EnvirOphreaK116: but i thought you meant like
EnvirOphreaK116: i was defensive type sensitive
EnvirOphreaK116: but no…it’s a perfect movie.
soimpossible531: hahahahah


EnvirOphreaK116: yeah i hate guys. they are big nasty assholes.
soimpossible531: oh man
soimpossible531: you make me so happy
EnvirOphreaK116: you make me opposite of melancholy!
soimpossible531: lol
soimpossible531: *grin*
soimpossible531: no wait
soimpossible531: *big toothy-ass grin*
EnvirOphreaK116: HAHAHA!


Auto response from EnvirOphreaK116: hahahaha…i made a new friend and she’s the bestestestest ever.


alright, you get the idea. KYLE RULES.
I have been having the best luck lately. There’s Katie, the awesome chick who lives across the hall, and is GREAT. And Chelsea, my loveable roommate for whom I wrote the following poem today in sociology class, entitled “the Chelster”:

Oh Chelsea,
Queen of cool piercing and freezer-like dorm rooms:
The Chelster, they call her
She likes Radiohead, Granola, and using broken vacuums.
She is my roomie, my buddy, my cell mate.
When working on homework, she is more like my hell-mate.
Oh, Katie and I are sure glad to have her,
Without our dear Chelsea, life in Gifford would just suck.

Alright, nothing rhymed with “have her” ok? But other than that, doesn’t it kick ass? lol.

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oh kirsten. you and your antics. 🙂 love, [evanescence]

AWWW Kirsten my dear, I am extremely flattered. Haha, you are definitely one of the coolest females on this earth and I’m positively lucky to be priviledged to know you, muahahaha. Okay, yeah, YOU RULE!!! -KYLE