it’s been awhile


I think it’s about time I updated.

So much to say, where do I start?  I really really really like Katie and Chelsea.  I got so damn lucky to end up with them.  A few weekends ago, Katie and I went to the arboretum and spent nearly 4 hours there, just chatting and chillin.  It was amazingly wonderful.  The trees were green and in full beauty.  The air was calm and cool.  The sun was bright and glowing contentment.   All this, and the company of a good friend, made it the perfect afternoon.  The following night, when I went out for a walk as I often do, I asked her to come with me, and she did.  We sat on the heated steps of warren until 3am, talking about everything.  It felt so good to feel normal again– that I had someone to talk to.  I love that I can talk to her, and though we may not agree, we can still discuss things of vast importance in our lives.  She listens intently.  I think we will remain friends for quite a long time. 

Chelsea is the best roommate I could hope for.  She makes me happy, she makes me smile.  She has the cutest Chelsea faces ever.  Sometimes I catch myself making a Chelsea face, and when I realize what I’m doing, it always makes me laugh. …I think it’s the random outbursts of laughter that cause people to give me strange stares… *ahem* Chelsea is such an amazing and genuine person.  She genuinely cares about me and she is genuinely kind.  She is also genuinely hilarious, even though it is not always purposeful.  When I am depressed and homesick, she gives me hugs –even though she’s not into the touching thing so much (hahaha), and asks me if I’m alright.  Asks me if I want to talk about it.  Her small actions mean so much.  And she can make me laugh so easily.  Katie and Chelsea and I have so many good times together.  We are such a built in support system for one another.  This is why I am more than a little concerned that Chelsea wants to transfer to a school closer to her home in Philly.  I don’t know what I’ll do without her if she leaves.  I don’t think I will ever be so lucky as to have another roommate like her. 

This thought, coupled with constant homesickness, makes life a little hard.  Being an optimist, however, I know it can only get better.  That’s hard to see that right now.  Stress is eating me alive.  I miss my friends a whole hell of a lot.  I miss Chris more than anything.  The sporadic 10 minute conversations we are able to squeeze in on aim are no where near enough to suffice, though they keep me going.  He must be the busiest boy alive, and I’m not exactly on vacation here either.  It is his junior year, so the busyness is to be expected.  The fact that I still miss him and want to be with him, and that the feeling is mutual– despite the difficulties– gives me confidence that things will work out regardless of these drawbacks.  It makes me happy to at least hear him say he misses me and thinks of me often.  What more can I say.  I miss the boy.

One substantial comfort—my parents will be visiting very soon.  I am excited.  In the words of Katie, eep.

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