goodbye, hello, goodbye, hello.

So much to say when I don’t have access to a computer…. but now I do, so yay.

I left JMU on Friday night, after saying many goodbyes on Thursday and Friday.  It was very odd; when Chelsea and I said goodbye to Katie, I cried.  Totally didn’t expect that.  And then after dropping Chelsea off with her ride, I cried again walking back to the dorm.  What a stupid girl I am. 

So on Friday, I went to Hyattsville to stay with the Rosenfelders for the night before flying out of Baltimore.  Fun times.  I got to see Pete!  eep.  After having not seen him for almost 2 years, it was a much needed visit.  We had lots of fun driving around, getting lost, and watching “Love Actually.”  What an xlnt movie.  Two thumbs up. 

So I flew into Portland last night, and I was too excited to contain myself.  I crocheted most of the way and made almost a whole scarf. Both planes were really not crowded so I got to stretch across my whole row, it was good.  I listened to all the CDs that Chelsea and Bryan made me.  <3.  Then, when we were coming into Portland, I looked out through the window and saw the city lights, and the river.  Again, I cried.  *sigh*  at least they were happy tears. 

So, I get off the plane, and I am like running to the security check where I know my parents will be waiting.  I see my dad first, and then my mom, and then, KELLY!  I didn’t know who to hug first.  Mom attacked me though, so I didn’t have to pick.  I hugged Kelly and dad and Kelly… and Kelly.  I have been missing her sooooo much.  It was such a happy surprise, it even was worthy of more tears. Jeez. 

So then we drive home, and Kelly and mom are talking about some bet about something, and I’m all, jigga wha?  haha.  It turns out they were betting whether or not the Christmas lights with which they had written out “welcome home” across the front of the house would have fallen down by the time we got there.  Kelly was sure they wouldn’t fall.  She won a dollar.  And then we went to drop off Kelly, and she’s like, “come in with me!”  And I’m like, “OK!”  And I said hello to Cindy, and proceeded to be kidnapped to starbucks.  I had a white chocolate mocha.  SOO good.  And driving with Kelly really made it official, I’m home. 

She took me back to my house, where I walked around and said hello to everything, talked to my dad, and my dog.  Then I went over to Mac’s place to say hi to the brother.  Yay!  I missed him too.  I came back home and talked to mom for at least 2 hours.  I missed those conversations soooo very much.  And now I get a whole month of them =). 

Last night, I slept in MY bed in MY room, with all of MY things surrounding me.  It was amazing.  Today, I am going to youth mass.  Woa.  That is going to be intense, and I can’t wait. all in all, I am feeling on top of the world.  I think tonight, I might feel on top of the sun… or something. 

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YEY OR-A-GOOOOONE!!!!! I’m so happy that you are so happy! I got your note. I hope that you are having an extraordinary time. Don’t do anything stupid….or anything that I wouldn’t do. Wait…scratch that…just have a good time. No hard drugs, y’ hear? Ok, that is all. Bye Roomie, I miss you THIS much. (I am currently stretching my arms out really really wide…umm, yea. <3 Chelsea

December 14, 2003

Stupid girl, and your stupid girl tears! Not really (or yes really???) glad evertying is great.

December 15, 2003

im so glad you’re happy kirsten. it’s amazing to be home, isnt it? i wish this note was happier, but my house exploded and i am in mucho mucho trouble. i would really like to speak with you asap, so give me a call. much love,