banana duck shoes

banana duck shoes

for the flash and pterodactyl girl


we walked to dinner with nothing on our feet

the sidewalk warm and dry

we sat outside beneath the pink flowered trees

and watched the cloudless sky

we blew bubbles out car windows full of breath

and we laughed at people, pleasantly surprised


how comfortable it is to be with you

how easy to be at ease

how wonderful to act like a child

how cathartic to laugh at everything


we danced and partied, us three more than enough

we tried to get work done

hours passed and found nothing but wasted time

we really wasted none

our Mexican waiters who knew us by face

our frequent wal-mart trips, and vast movie fines


how good it is to be with friends

how simple life can be when spent with you

how wonderful to be a child

how cathartic to laugh at nothing


I remember driving in the rain with the sunroof opened,

the windows down.

I remember knitting and the arboretum,

watching you get stoned.

I remember staying in on the weekends,

listening as the dorm emptied.

I remember laughing on more than one occasion

at the fact that we each didn’t know anyone else.


how lucky I am that you are the ones I know

how incredible it feels to be so comfortable

how wonderful to act like a child

how cathartic it is to laugh with you

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