and the rest…

so coheed.  they aren’t my favorite band by any means, but it was a good concert.  i was impressed.  i have decided my favorite thing in the world is live music.  i love feeling the bass and drums vibrating in my chest.  i love watching all the people sing along to the songs they love.  to the lyrics they have memorized so faithfully because they have meaning in each of their lives for some reason or another.  and yes, the moshing.  that was a new and exciting experience.  though coheed isn’t exactly hardcore.  and i wasn’t exactly in the thick of it.  Katie did loose a shoe though, and we both got very wet with all the water they were pouring on the crowd, and the sweat of all the strangers crammed together, trying to get to the front of the stage.  Chelsea was… too preoccupied with other things to get swept up in the crazy crowd.  *wink wink*

i found out today that dashboard is coming to Portland on the 2nd of June.  i am so excited.  a pack of angry emo kids couldn’t keep me from going to that concert.  Sean may be going with me. đŸ™‚  hopefully Meredith and Andrew and a few others can go too.  if it weren’t for Meredith, i wouldn’t love them so much, much less know they exist.  and Andrew likes them a lot i know.  i know Kelly, Chris, and Dominic don’t really like dashboard, but maybe they will come for my sake.  too bad it’s not during when Katie is visiting me.  that would be amazing to go with Katie.  we sometimes sing dashboard together walking around campus.  yes.  we are silly.

some of the music i have been listening to has really been taking me back to things that happened earlier this year.  it’s a little strange.  a little sad.  i don’t know exactly what to do with it.  i don’t want to cry about it.  fin.

and so now i am here.  and i am not sleeping because Chelsea is still gone.  i’m sure she’s fine, but it’s that paranoid thing in me that my mom forced on me.  the waiting up until all the children are safely in their beds.  i’ll go to bed soon. 


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April 15, 2004

Hey: I love your diary…all of it, simply marvelous. My dear, continue to amaze me and the rest of the world. Love, Marcus-

April 16, 2004

you are good. so is coheed. we rock.

whoooohooooo! DC is gonna rock! -sm