She arrived!
My newest niece, Dakota Lynn, arrived on 8/9/18 at 9:37 PM 6lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long and I was there to witness this creation enter the world.
It was the most amazing experience of my life and one I will cherish forever. I am grateful that I was able to have this experience with my sister. Shes 8 years younger than I am and is from my fathers second marriage so we never had that close sister relationship over the years. I think all that will change now and I am so thankful.
I took Noah to see her Sunday when she got home. He was so excited. He loves babies and is so good with them, even at 7 years old.
Three more weeks and Noah enters 2nd grade. His fortnight shirt came… he loved it. Where has the time gone?
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Our grandson, Jack, was 15 last week. Arlen and I went to KC and stayed with my daughter when Jack came into the world. It sure doesn’t seem like that was 15 years ago to us.
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Aww! She’s beautiful!
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Welcome to the world, little one
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