Little League Opening Day
That’s my boy <3
Opening day went off without a hitch! I have a great group of kids that I get to watch grow over the next several weeks. We lost 15-13. Single A plays to three runs or three outs, whichever comes first. We have a few kids who run slow lol. It was a good time and all the kids did fantastic.
We celebrated Noah’s 7th birthday early this past weekend with his friends only. His birthday is June 1st and I always celebrate it Memorial Day weekend but a lot of his friends go away for the weekend and can’t come. Noah wanted a sleepover and this past weekend was the only day we could get it in. 6 boys slept over (including Noah). That was one heck of an experience. My husband was ready to quit before it even started lol. So much energy, so many different personalities yet they are all the same lol. They were all pretty good. All I had to do was say “Stop that or I’ll tell your mom” and they gave me that look of fear… oh no, please don’t tell mom! I am tired still. That was saturday into Sunday and then we had opening day late Sunday afternoon. My mom showed up. I’m glad. Dave’s mom forgot.. ugh. I just reminded everyone a few days ago and she responded with “Ill be there”.
Little League is looking for new Board Members. I thought about looking into serving on the Board. This year has been so chaotic and unorganized.
Well I best get to work!
He looks like he knows what he’s doing!
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Losing by two points isn’t bad! Collin’s team for basketball sucked lol
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