Be Nice to Yourself

Why is that so hard to do?
Why is it so east to encourage others who struggle with the same exact thing that I do? Why is it easy to push them and build them up? But when it comes to myself I just can’t do it?
I have been trying to get on track and stay on track for MONTHS now. I didn’t make it a week since my last entry about losing weight. We are supposed to start back at the gym tonight. Dave complains of his “fatness” daily. I need him to help me. Its always me helping him and everyone else. I need someone to push me to keep going. I need someone to encourage me. I need him to do this with me. He can’t complain and not do anything about it. It doesn’t work that way. The only place I complain about it is here..and that’s not even that much.
I started this entry yesterday… above the line was all I got written down.
I restarted the intermittent fasting Monday. The first two weeks of getting back on track are always the hardest. I usually do fine for one week, then the weekend hits.. then I fudge up and let it continue for weeks on end. This is the cycle. I am determined to break that cycle.
I can’t believe that Noah goes back to school in about a month (Sept. 4). 2nd Grade. My boy. I have all of his school supplies and new backpack (his broke last year). I need to get him new shoes still. Its the one time of year that I buy him GOOD shoes, although I still find bargains! I got his Jordan’s last year for $40. He wants Jordan’s again. I told him I am not buying much for school clothes. Only what he needs.. and that is jeans and new socks. He has a TON of shirts. I might buy a couple but that is it. He prefers short sleeves, even in winter. So come winter Ill buy a few hoodies and he will be ok.
Our Little League posted Fall Ball sign ups are next week. It feels like this season just ended. There is another $50.
Good news… my grandfather doesn’t have cancer. Praise God! One less thing I have to worry about. It appeared to be a spot from an old infection. They will keep an eye on it just in case. Another CT scan is scheduled for end of October. If it doesn’t grow he should be all good.
I am working on trying to get my grandfather VA benefits. I wish he did that a long time ago. My grandparents can’t afford assisted living and I don’t know how much longer my grandma can go on like this by herself especially with my uncle being a mess still. He still has short term memory loss. I read that memory loss from concussions can last a year or more! Hes had it now for a couple of months. He doesn’t know what day it is, and things he fell only a week ago with every conversation.
I took my grandma to do her monthly shopping last weekend. I will do what I can for her.
I’m glad that your grandfather doesn’t have cancer.
Have you considered look into low-income assisted living homes for your grandparents? My paternal grandmother lived in an assisted living home, which was owned by little sisters of the poor, and it was very affordable. I’m not sure if your grandparents meet income guidelines, but it might be worth looking into.
Back-to-school shopping sounds so expensive. I don’t blame you for just getting what he needs, and not wanting to buy him a lot of shirts.
Losing weight is hard for a lot of people. Good luck getting yourself there! Have you considered joining Weight Watchers it another weight-loss support group, it might be nice to have people who are going through the same thing and you might make some really awesome friends.
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I am losing a little weight in anticipation of my surgery. I’ve lost 9 lbs. and now I’m kind of marking time. That always happens to me when I lose weight. I have a period of time when my body rushes to defend me from starving! It will start coming off again. Glad your grandfather doesn’t have cancer. All the things that used to be free when we were kids cost money now. My daughter had a huge bill when Jack started school last year. Fees for everything including the sports.
@dlk082244 My grandfather told me that all his sports where free back then too. Noah wants to play basket ball too.. I think that is $85 or so…. Some sports cost even more than that. They make it almost impossible for the kids who don’t have a lot of money to participate. Its hard on me just to come up with extra $50+. That’s a lot of money to me.
@dMy daughter spent several hundred dollars enrolling Jack last year. It was amazing to me.
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That is awesome news about your grandfather!
Collin refuses to wear anything but Skechers. TJ tried getting him to choose some Nikes, but Collin went right for the Skechers. They’ve always been my favorite so that might be why lol.
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