right ?


this morning the construction outside woke me up around 8 and then i couldn’t seem to get back to sleep, so i woke up and had breakfast and did some dishes. josh woke up shortly afterwards and we chatted with the tv on in the background. i guess the notion of housework caught on with josh and so he started vacuuming. i also finally got around to cleaning my crab’s tank… but it seemed like that was enough to tire me out b/c i had to go back to bed around 11:30. i couldn’t help it, i had to sleep for another couple of hours and when i woke up for work around 2 i felt pretty good. work today was ok, i was pretty chipper. even when i was on cash. i got to work with lauren which definitely added to my good mood b/c i had someone to chat with and we had a bit to catch up on. i always get along very well with lauren and we seem to have a great time together, partially because we have the same sense of humor.

wow so i started this entry at least two hours ago and i’ve really gotten nowhere. this has probably been the most unorganized account of my day ever. every once in a while i look down and try to type and hope that josh doesn’t judge and think i’m not listeneing, bc i am. but the truth is that i can’t multi-task very well and thus my writing is crap. that’s it … i give up. more tomorrow i guess. now i’ll put on cake boss in an attempt to distract josh so i can submit my resume to some jobs online. god.

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