ice and meat

     this week has been flying by and taking forever, all at the same time. the last few days have just melted together, nothing especially out of the ordinary happened as i was mostly just working…. tomorrow night i’m having some ppl over to the apt for drinks to celebrate a co-worker’s b-day/ say farewell to another co-worker and generally celebrate the final week of school for those of us who are in college or university. i totally meant to come home and vacuum tonight but once again i am lying in bed with my computer because i am seriously lacking energy and motivation. tomorrow morning …. 🙂 hope josh doesn’t mind me vacuuming at 8am !! let’s see how he likes it….. just kidding. i can see myself snoozing until the last moment and then running to catch the bus. i’ll let josh clean while i’m at work considering i’m away from the house about 90% of the time and only ever come home to sleep, which only happens 3 or 4 days a week. plus it’s his cat that makes a mess, losing fur all over the place. i’m getting so sick of it.

     living on my own never looked so good right now. no one to answer to, no one to rely on for half of the bill money… no one to chase down when they don’t give me bill money 😛 no one eating my food that i trekked to wal-mart for — in the fucking rain. that’s something that really pisses me off: when i go grocery shopping, it’s a fucking ordeal. if i had a car it might take me half an hour tops, to get there, shop and come home. but since i rely on the bus, it takes at least an hour to two and thus i barely ever go due to time constraints. depending on which store i go to, i take one or two buses, try to time my shopping so that i can get out in time for the bus and then often i have to go back dt just to catch a transfer bus back to my house because there isn’t a bus that goes back the way i came from. like i said, it’s an ordeal. of course i can only get as much as i can carry but i always overdo it and end up with a sore back and arms by the end of it. when i get food, i want it to last, you know? it’s for lunches, dinners and sometimes breakfasts at work… to try and save me some money by not shopping at the food court or eating out. josh, on the other hand, has his parents or brother with a car pick him up and take him out in his multitude of spare time, and so he just doesn’t get it. i’ll buy a loaf of bread or something to last me a week of lunches, and it’ll have disappeared within two days…. and i’ll be like josh – stop eating my food! he feigns ignorance and says he didn’t realize it was such a big deal and what’s his is mine, trying to make me feel guilty. but i’m not really a sharer in that sense. i know that sounds totally selfish but i like to work hard to get what i want and buy only what i need. i have goals and i’m trying to save money…. sharing grocery bills with someone who’s dietary staples include (name brand!) popsicles and steaks is not appealing to me. 

so i guess that’s my rant for today. i also have another rant regarding men brewing inside of me… but i’ll save that for later 🙂


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May 7, 2011