doomed to die alone… a crazy cat lady

since the last time i wrote i guess the most significant thing to happen was being asked out by a guy that i used to know as a regular customer from my old store. there was always a little bit of chemistry between us but he was (is) nine years older so i just dismissed the idea. anyway,  about half a year ago or so, i ran into him downtown when we were both quite drunk. we caught up on everything that had been going on for the past couple of years since we had last spoken, and flirted a ton. towards the end of the night he asked me to go home with me.. and of course i said no. i knida lost faith in him bc i had visualized him to be a perfect gentleman. so fast forward to a few days ago, he was on the same bus as me but i pretended i didn’t see him and continued on to work.. where he appeared again, and this time said hi. i was pretty caught off guard but we chatted a bit and he apologized for that evening, which i hadn’t been holding against him or anything…. and he asked for another chance to take me out. so i gave him my number and later that evening we texted and decided to go out on friday night. we met dt after work and had a drink, and then went to another bar and had another couple of drinks. i had a great time and i felt that he did, too. he was really charming and funny and we fed off each other and joked around all night, but we also had a few good convos about our pasts, art and goals. so we both caught the bus home (to our own homes) and before we left each other we hugged, no kiss (which i appreciated, you know .. taking it slow). so after i got home i said thanks again and that i had fun and he texted back saying the same. and then nothing for two days, until tonight when i asked him if he had a good weekend, and he txted back that it was okay, yaddah yaddah… we exchanged a few texts and then he stopped responding… we weren’t having a deep convo or anything, just light stuff… but i just get this vibe that he’s not really interested in pursuing anything. makes me sad… did i really read things so wrong as to think that we had a good night? i guess we’ll see…. i’m being kind of melodramatic, but i’m going to just wait until he reaches out to me now.

look at me being all girly and saying this was the most important thing that happened lately — did i mention my new job? i’ll write about that later.



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January 9, 2011