big time catch up…

so as always, long time no write! 2011 has been a pretty interesting year so far, full of changes but strangely mundane and comfortable in it’s routine. that’s how it always goes with me…. something new will happen but soon it disappears or becomes familiar and then i find myself saying "same old…."

i had a brief relationship of sorts with a friend of a friend, but it didn’t last for long and ended on a sour note so i don’t even feel it’s worth rehashing any of the details. all i can say is "men. can’t live with ’em, can’t seem to resist them!" as i always tell myself, i’m not actively searching for a man, just idly waiting with and open mind and heart for one to find me. but i’m starting to feel a little bit pessimistic – when the fuck is my prince charming going to find me?! i guess i really shouldn’t place so much importance on finding a man, but it’s about more than that for me, it’s about having a partner; someone on my side. and equally, someone i can look after and care about. i have a lot of love to give god damn it! 😛

for the past couple of months my life has consisted of work work work, but lacking a social life and any sort of intimate relationship has pushed me further towards filling up all of my free time with work. the money is alluring and i’m finally getting somewhere with my debt so it’s been a pretty satisfying year so far. i’ve paid off the remainder of my student loan and i’m one more pay period away from clearing up my credit card debt so yaaay. from then on it’ll be savings and i can really start to see my future travel plans coming to life.

i’m still working the same mall job i’ve had for the past 6ish years on and off, plus the other part-time mall job that i picked up at christmas and haven’t had the guts to let go of yet… plus at the beginning of january i got a part time night job with a private agency that provides housing and support for ppl with physical disabilities… i won’t go into too much detail about the company because i’m bound by confidentiality so i don’t want to let anything slip out that might void that. but as long as i leave out names and such i think i’m still doing my duty and keeping things under wraps while still sharing the most hilarious happenings. i can’t think of anything right now, of course. but i’m always amazed and amused by the goings-on there… and i’m really enjoying the job. the agency will pay for me to go to college and get my personal support worker certificate which was something that i wanted to get even before i got the job. so that works well in my favor and saves me a couple bucks! i really can’t believe my good fortune in getting this job.

admittedly i am working a lot. and i mean A LOT. my average work week spans from 65 to 85 hours and i don’t get a lot of sleep. but surprisingly i’m not that tired or worn out…. i’m sure it will come. and i know what it’s like to be totally burnt out and stressed because of work so as soon as i feel that i can’t handle it any more i’ll take action. firstly i’ll quit my super part time job… and i may also turn down some of the extra overnight shifts.

i’m at work at the moment.. it’s almost 4am and i have a booking to get to, so i’ll have to leave it at that for the moment. in my next entry i’ll give some more detail about my job… hopefully having this extra time at night will get me back into the swing of writing….. we’ll see. i hope everyone in diary land is doing well and i’m going to catch up on everyone’s lives in the next couple of nights so i can start being a productive member of society again… diary society. contributing and such. ya know…..




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