another letter to the girls b/c i am lazy today :(

hey guys 🙂


     kristi i’m so sorry to hear about your grandpa, but wow – 93! like you said, i hope that wednesday will be an opportunity for your family to re-connect and share memories. i’m so happy that you got that job — you have a career! and you too, jen!! CAREERS! we’re adults!! waaaa!!

    so i’m sorry that i’ve been such a hermit and haven’t written back to group e-mails/returned messages. thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! first i have to say this — i am going to publicly acknowledge what a bum friend i am — so i forgot to e-mail nell on her b-day, and as each day passed i thought "whoops, gotta write nell, can’t forget to e-mail nell etc etc" and then it turned into weeks and months.. and i didn’t. so happy belated b-day nell 😀 and on my b-day, i get the cutest little card in the mail, as well as an e-mail sent at the ungodly hour of 7am.. from nell! and girls your e-mails and phone messages were hilarious and great, so thank you all!! i got nice wishes from friends and family at home, too ðŸ˜€ i didn’t go out and drink or anything, just went to the movies, which reminds me, for those of us who are in ontario, i will not be available for the rest of this week, and i will also be out of town or busy the following weekend, but if i get enough notice i can book off any day(s)/ switch my schedule so let me know what works for you guys!!

    i’ve been super busy with work… which is a good thing b/c i was only working part-time a while ago and so the cash flow is a relief. to explain my ‘babysitting old ppl’ job — i sometimes look after an elderly couple with alzheimers for a guy who i used to play pool with. i usually go to their house for 10ish hours a week and pretty much just make sure they don’t burn the house down… the woman had a stroke years ago, so she no longer speaks english (just a mixture of slovenian and babble). she’s pretty much a child – i spoon feed her and change her diapers and otherwise she just talks at me or stares into space. the man is just old… fairly healthy and very talkative, so we talk about europe, the fact that i am unmarried and how he’s amazed that my parents allow me to live by myself. since he has alzheimers we pretty much just have the same convo twelve thousand times a day…. but ocassionally he’ll throw something new into the mix, usually something that’s totally untrue which i end up correcting him on… like "i have many girlfriends in europe, in the old country it’s good to have more than one." to which i say "noooo….. you have one wife who you love very much and she’s sleeping in your bed right now." and he’ll be like "oh yah, i forgot." i know that i should go back to school but i’m really having a hard time deciding what i want to do with my life. i was thinking that geriatrics might be an option, but i still don’t know if i’d rather teach or……..? even before that i really really want to travel extensively so i guess at the moment i’m just trying to put away as much money as possible.

     anyways, between that, the telemarketing thing and $ama, i get a lot of hours so i’m not home very often. but i also have an easier time getting time off, since i’m just a part-timer, so that really works for me right now. tomorrow i’m going home for 3 days for zac’s college graduation & to hang out with fam/friends. i haven’t been home since x-mas so i’m quite looking forward to it. there was an accident at zac’s work and something exploded oil into his eyes… of course i’m the last person so know anything so i don’t have a lot of details but i do know he’s been having a lot of dr./hospital visits and hasn’t been at work for a while. i’m really excited to see him. he says he can still see fine but his eyes are supersensitive so he wears sunglasses at all times and takes a lot of drops. apparently his eyes have tiny little cuts in them but the dr.s said that overall, his vision wasn’t harmed, thank god.

     so men. there are a few interesting boys in my life right now: one at telemarketing who i can just go out for coffee and talk for hours with, but who doesn’t have any post-secondary education and isn’t doing much with his life (not that that’s a deciding factor or anything, but you know….); one hilarious man who drops by dollarama every few days – he manages several youth group homes & homes for mentally disabled adults and seniors so we have lots to talk about. today i found out that he knows my coworker, corrine, from her other store.. he told her that i was "a challenge" and that he "MUST have me". she told him that green tea frappucinos from starbucks were the way to my heart and he brought one down for me…. i couldn’t believe it. i also met this totally hot and i mean fucking HOT man at ebar on sat. night who ended up coming home with me… don’t worry! i’m still (practically) a virgin hahahaha, but we did have fun and can i please tell you again how gorgeous he was!?!?!? he had a labret and he was all chiseled and sexy. i can’t really believe it b/c i don’t think i’ve ever had such an attractive man interested in me before… anywho, he studies something-something-engineering in toronto (york or UofT) and he likes to draw (yay!!) and we just had so much to talk about. it was great. all winter i was convinced that i was going to die a crazy old cat lady… but now i have these options and it`s kind of fun just to be "courted" so i think it’ll be a fun summer, man-wise.

    wow… too many words – sorry!! i know y’all are busy so i just bolded the key points of this e-mail for skimmers…. even though i suck at writing back, i still love all of your updates, group e-mails or otherwise. send pictures! i don’t see a lot of your pictures! i promise i will too, if i end up doing something picture-worthy…




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June 9, 2010

I’m a skimmer and I approve of this message. LOL.