freakin A man

it seems like no matter what, every day LEM comes and tells me that i have to work faster. “with more zip” as she likes to say. well shit i cAN only mone my fingers so fast ya know? im only a receptionist for gosh sake. its not like she hired me for my skill. she hired me for my phone voice and manner. its like, if i am getting my work done then what is the problem. and then they tell you that oh you have more potential than what you are showing. no i dont. and even if i did, why isnt the bare minimum enough? if its not enough then they should make the bare minimum more, right?

anyways, my moms birthday was on the 7th and we wnet to eat at that Kings Hawaiian. it was pretty good. i had like, this sampler plate thing and it was darn tasty. and it was really much more inexpensive that i had thought it would be. i took out 100$ just in case cuz i didnt know where we’d be eating but even with dessert it was pretty cheap.

i was trying to start on a diet this week as im sure like, half of the world is but i have no will power. i just cant seem to stay away from bad food. its like i need to get my jaw wired shut or something. even then i would still drink to much soda and id still probably find a way to cheat. but my wedding is in january so i really have to buckle down and quit fucking around. i spent a ridiculous amout on these diet pills that i never started taking. i will begin taking tem soon tho cuz i just have to. I HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO!!!!!!!

ok thats all.


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i wish you good luck on your diet and i hope you make it before your wedding

January 12, 2004

Wha? Your wedding is in Jan? This Jan or next Jan? Heh, i’m dieting myself….though for twisted reasons… Call me back, homie g….I’m free all week so far….coffee?

Oops, sorry i was online last night….if that number is busy, just call my parents’ number….Really? Moi? I would love nothing more, Ms. Weeks. 😀 Heh, want to be work-out partners? I’ll call ya tonight! -Meg