
Hey! Just a quick entry before going to bed. I totally forgot to write in here today. Anyway, I was in the service hallway at work getting some supplies, when all-of-a-sudden, I see Jay come down the hallway! I thought I would die. I ran into the bathroom and quickly shut the door! Oh no! He’ll be at work until Wednesday. It looked as though he was dragging some kind of tree down the hallway but I don’t know. Weird.

We had 10 rooms to clean today! That took us all day and of course Ashley stayed all day. Ashley and Ellen were fighting all day. Driving me nuts. I swear to you they act just like 12 year olds. One would come up to me and ask "What did she say about me?" or "Did you tell her what I said about her?" It drove me over the edge.

So yeah….I’ve really been thinking that I need to change the department in which I work. I can’t stand the drama or the way I am treated at work. I really want that clerical position but it’s part time and that would mean that I would loose my health insurance benefits. I’d have to pay over 500 a month in order to continue with the health insurance and that’s a lot of money when you only earn less than 9 bucks per hour. I mean, I don’t know but I think that I would earn more per hour if I had a clerical job….but who knows? Not if it’s part time I wouldn’t. That would probably mean taking on another job (part time) and that would get in the way of counseling and Curves.

Um, I guess that’s about it. I didn’t get to bed until 2:30am last night so I’m really exhausted.

I still haven’t heard from Todd…oh well. And again, Yahoo personals hasn’t given me any luck. Oh well. I guess I’m just doomed. LOL! I did, however, meet this really nice guy on Yahoo messenger. I really needed to talk to someone so I went to the Christian chat room and there was this guy that I talked to over the mic on messenger. He’s from Egypt. But I don’t care. I just like to make him laugh. I love to make people laugh. I put my webcam on and BOOM! I do everything that I can think of that’s funny and give people a good laugh. Why not? I used to do that years ago when I was in college too. That was so exciting!

I really don’t want tomorrow to come but I guess that I have no choice. I have a training from 4 until 5pm. That means staying long hours. But it’s okay. I’m so tired….I think I’m going to go to bed….Goodnight guys. I may or may not write tomorrow….depends on how interesting the day is….

Love Always,


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