My Own Support Group

Well I am starting my own support group online. Tuesday. OMG! Yesterday at work was HORRIBLE. I really am not liking Ellen’s replacement that we hired last July. I don’t know….she’s so…fake….I don’t know…I just don’t like her. We argue all the time. Everyone says that we are like sisters in that respect and she called me an a**hole yesterday. A counselor overheard that and came into the room we were in and I said sorry and he said "No…it’s okay…I hear it all the time from the patients." Ugh! Last week she called me an idiot.

And then we got a new car yesterday. For first time in my parents lives, a USED car but the first time they bought one from a dealership. Anyway, my mom drove me to dance class this morning and don’t you know the "CHECK ENGINE" light comes on! Ugh! God help us all.

I’m sorry….I’m sorry….I don’t mean to complain….

And so there were tons of technical difficulties with my show last night and no one could hear anything and it was the first time I had special guests on it and UGH! 





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March 20, 2010

Why did you apologize to the counselor? You didn’t say Asshole, or did you? You should post the times of your group times. I saw your video, but got confused on the times.