Me Again

So….how are ya? I got some of my Christmas presents today. That was quick! LOL! I have the BEST idea ever. I’m going to (and this sounds stupid too) make up this sleigh out of cardboard and decorate it in markers and cloth and put "SANTA’S SLEIGH" on the side of it. Once all of the other gifts have been opened, I’m going to ask if everyone had a good Christmas and if they got what they wanted. Well, after that, I’m going to play a fake santa sound on my laptop or tape recorder or whatever. Have it be Santa saying "HO! HO! HO!’ or something and then be like, "What’s that?" And then pull the sleigh out! It’s stupid, but I want to surprise everyone. I feel that’s the way to do it. Hopefully, everyone will like it. But I don’t know. It’s not like everyone is 2 years old! LOL! The rest of my packages have shipped except for one of them that is going to Nate’s apartment. 

Ah! Well, today Ellen told me that I should take a week vacation. And it should be Monday thru Friday and I should go far, far away like to California (my cousins live there and I’ve told her that) or something. Go by airplane. Yeah right. She can dream on. LOL! I’ve never been on an airplane before and I never will. I told her that. It’s stupid. I thought about telling her that I plan on going to CA for next year’s Christmas. See what she says. That way a year from now would be a LONG ways away and she would be ticked I’m not going sooner. I don’t care what she says. And she also told me that tomorrow she wasn’t going to be coming to work until later on. Yeah….she did the same thing last week. Oh, and Ashley is taking all of next week off! YEAH! Ellen asked me today what gift she should get Ashley. Ha! How do I know? I told her I didn’t have a clue! LOL! Ashley is such a princess that I have not a clue. I’m thinking about suggesting a spa gift certificate or something….all she talks about is going to get pedicures or her hair done.

I hope that everyone has a good Christmas. I’m going to make the most of it. It’s hard to believe that it’s Christmas time already. At least for me it is. I remember a year ago, I was sitting here worrying like crazy. Everyday of my life. Until January 28th when I job that I have now. Ugh. It was a nightmare. I worried about my bills and getting a new job. The whole 9 yards. I spent 7 months living like that. Never again. I remember my family was like "I don’t want anything for Christmas." Because they knew that I had no money. But I went to LTD Commidities and spent a lot of money. Put it on charge.

I  don’t know what else to say. 

Love Always,


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