March 1?! Already?!

I must say that I am proud of myself. I just stopped for a second and thought about my weight loss journey and how I’ve stopped spending so much money and also how I am seeking help from a counselor. I must say….good job, Steph! Keep pressin’ on! It kind of brings tears to my eyes in a way…just because I’ve never felt so good about myself before. It motivates me, because, for the first time in my life, I can actually feel good about myself. And because it has increased my self esteem, I want to go further with it. It’s become a good thing. Whereas before, I’ll admit I could care less about myself so therefore I didn’t bother doing anything.

Before I forget, my days of plateauing seem to be over! YEA! I’m looking online to see if I can get into a weight loss support group or something like it. I think it would help me out tremedously.

Did I mention before that Ellen invited me to her house? I was shocked. She e-mailed me and invited me to see her garden and her cat.

Hopefully, tomorrow I will NOT forget to call counseling. And, also hopefully, I can have my first appointment sometime this week! Keep your fingers crossed!

I’m really dreading going to the funeral on Tuesday. I don’t like funerals (who likes them?!). I honestly would rather be working. I feel as though I don’t have a choice other than to go.

March 1st already? Yeah right. Hard to believe. Here it is though: The month I have so been waiting for. It’s been a year since I signed up for my health insurance which means that my one year waiting period is up! YEA! I’d been shelling out 500 a month for nothing until now. I should have just been on Medicaid. I hope that the counseling wasn’t calling because there was some kind of problem or something. Goodness. Just what I need! LOL! I’ve wanted counseling for years!

I’m still craving some chicken wings from Pizza & More and glazed donuts. Oh, how good they would be! The donuts should be from Dunkin’ Donuts! Yum! It’s so hard not to give into my cravings. And Pizza & More has the best french fries that are so good with the wings. Oh! Those are two of the worst things you could ever eat! I can taste the wings now.

Yeah, my hard drive is still full of digiscrap elements. I am trying as hard as I possibly can to upload everthing.

Nate (my brother) came over yesterday. It was nice to see him.

I did end up writing the list of concerns for my counselor. Well, actually it turned out to be a detailed list of my life story. I don’t know whether or not he/she will want it but it’s a start. I don’t want to forget anything important. I wrote it in a notebook. I think I will take the notebook and take notes when I go to counseling or else just take this laptop with me and either voice record EVERYTHING or just type important things in a notepad application. I don’t know. It depends.

No such luck on Yahoo personals and I think I may just delete my profile. I really don’t care about the Yahoo! Personals anymore.



Love Always,





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March 1, 2009

I can’t believe it is March 1st too! AND snowing? geez :/