I Called the Mental Health Association….

Hey! No one commented on my vids on You Tube…did you watch them?? Are they too weird? 

I’m doing very well actually. I went to 2 support groups last night. Tonight are 2 more. I want to go everynight. Stayed up until like 11:45 last night which is late for me, being that I have to get up at 5.

I still haven’t heard from the restuarants that I applied to. I don’t know what happened with them. A week from now I have my doctor’s appointment. It’s supposed to just be a follow up for my anti-depressants but I scheduled a physical.

Oh yeah, I called the Mental Health Association today and asked if they offered group therapy for social phobia. They don’t. So I was thinking I should ask my counselor or maybe call a crisis hotline and ask if they can refer me. Or maybe even another counseling place. We will see. If not, I may call up the community church and ask if I can start something like that. I want to help other people out. My vids on You Tube are really, really helping others out. I’m making new friends. I never imagined I’d be getting the response I am receiving.

I love the new dance routine at dance class! Yea! Deb did decide to dance to my suggestion. Which was "Change Me" for those of you who don’t remember.

So yeah…I don’t know what else to say. I am in recovery now. And I am so glad that I am seeking help. I was in such denial before. It feels good.




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June 2, 2009

a lot of times, people seem to think social phobias aren’t valid…*thinks* i can kind of understand why (please don’t be angry; i think you and i have the same issues to work though)…sorry i didn’t watch the videos yet; i’ll try tomorrow, ok? is there a social phobia board on the circle forum here? you should start one 🙂

Hi ,just wanted to say hello. from peaceseeker