
I’ve really, really had it. Today was not the best of days. I am so sick of work. I so wish I could just say forget it. But I can’t.

School was supposed to start today, remember? Well, it’s not going to happen. I never got my books, number one and, number 2, the school sent me some email that said that my application for admissions was incomplete. Whatever. I’m done. I’m not going back. I just can’t deal with that right now. Next week is my first EVER SAZ meeting! YEAH!

Um….I guess that’s it. Just really quickly on work: I’m really, really loosing interest in  working. I hate it with a passion but, at the same time, I know I can’t quit. As much as I’d like to. Oh well. We had this big ice storm last night. It was such a nightmare trying to get into the car this morning and on the roads to go to work. And then Ellen didn’t come into work until 8….without calling work and telling us what was going on. Honestly. This is becoming all too stressful to me. And she wonders why things don’t get done….ahhhh, maybe if you went to work on time when you were supposed to, things would be more apted to get done?! Yeah right. I can’t do everything. I am only one person.


Love Always,


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