
Okay, so I’ve been getting really lazy. I am starting to hate writing in here. But I feel it’s necessary to write in here today.

Remember a few months ago that patient who was at work who was like 50 years old and who asked me out? Well he’s back at work! And, today I found out that he’s gay. Which means one of two things: 1. He’s really bisexual 2. I didn’t understand him. But how could I NOT understand him asking me out?? That doesn’t make any sense.

I didn’t get accepted back to OCC so that means I will have to go to Stratford which will be cheaper. No biggie.

I don’t know what to do about counseling. I scheduled an appointment with another counseling place but I would have to pay 90 bucks of out pocket and I wouldn’t be able to go to dance class anymore so I think I am going to cancel that place. I called another place today but they are booked until February. So I don’t know what to do. I feel stuck. There aren’t many choices in my health insurance book. And I honestly don’t think I could see a man counselor. Oh, yeah I also called the mental health association but they couldn’t help me out either. I am pretty much at a loss. I wish I could have online counseling but that would cost so much money. I think I may just call the one that is booked up again and say that I want to be scheduled in anyway.

I guess that’s about it…







Log in to write a note

PLEASE stop and read the notes on your last entry. Your current counselor is right. Focus on the issues you know you have right now, and stop thinking about what else might be wrong. Having a diagnois is a little misleading anyways…fix the issues you know you have right now. Naming them isn’t going to make the work you’ll have to do to overcome it any easier.

Personally I think you may be trying to take on too much right now. Why not focus on your counseling process, stick with your current counselor and get some serious work done on YOU? Instead of trying to change your life. Figure out your right now, instead of thinking about your furture. If you can stop for a moment and think about HEALING, it will be a huge value to you when you start school.