
Ahhh! Tomorrow I have my first doctor’s appointment! I just made it! It’s local too! And the people there were so nice. So that will be done and over with! Yeah! I can’t believe I got in so quickly! Then, hopefully, everything will check out. And I can tell my counselor I actually went. I have to admit something…I’ve been so afraid to go to the doctors because I am so afraid of getting my blood drawn. I’ve never done that before. I hate needles! Ahhhh! I try to train my mind that’s it’s not that bad by watching videos of people getting their blood drawn on You Tube. I know that this is an irrational fear. But oh well. I have to do this. I am scared out of my mind. It’s okay. I don’t know of anyone who has  died as a result of getting their blood drawn and I am trying to convince myself of that. Hold on….I think I am going to call yet another place and try to get an appointment…this time an allergy and asthma specialist. I know for a fact I have both. I want to use my healthcare to the best of my ability since I pay so much! Ok that is done! May 12th! 2:15! That means that I have to leave work early on that day but that’s okay. Maybe that can be my personal day…that’s a Tuesday….I don’t know. I am so happy that I am going this! Hold on while I make yet another appointment to get my eyes tested! LOL! I might as well, right? I’m on a roll! Okay and now 3pm on Thursday! LOL! I feel like an idiot making all of these appointments. But it’s for the better. 

Oh, today Dinosaur BBQ catered at work. No one has ever catered at work so it was a nice treat. I didn’t eat the skin of the skin. I had some baked beans and salt potatoes. Let me tell you, they were the best potatoes ever! It was really good. They had pulled pork but I don’t like that. And I don’t eat red meat. I honestly was thinking of becoming a vegetarian over the weekend. But that’s okay.

I can walk to the doctor’s appointment tomorrow after Curves. Why not? Well, I don’t know. I might not go to Curves…because we are supposed to go only 3x a week and I already went today. So…I might just walk or something. I don’t know. I want it over and done with so I don’t have to worry about my blood being drawn. I hate going to the doctor. Hate it with a passion. There are no other choices available though. I don’t mind going to other places (i.e. the eye doctor, dentist, etc.).

So, that’s about it. I actually made those stupid appointments. I’ve been waiting months to make those appointments. I can’t believe I did that! I still have to make a chiropractor appointment and dentist appointment. I am going to do that now…Okay then I can’t without a doctor’s referral. Never mind. I called another place. Who knows?! I had to leave a message. But that’s something else I have to do tomorrow is get a doctor referral.

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April 28, 2009

Thats awesome you made your appointments, mind as well get em outta the way 🙂