
Well, guys it was back to the daily grind today. I’ve decided to call Charlene "Queen Charlene". She gave me dirty looks from across the room today at lunch. Whatever. I’m not going to play games like that. Get over it. I want to prove a point to her. I want to prove that I realize that she doesn’t like me. So I sat at another table today for lunch. Ha! I am done.The next time she says something to me like "Why are you here?" I am going to say something like, "Yeah, hahaha! Can you believe it? I’m actually here!" I’m not afraid of her.


And, of course, there were more accusations but I’m not going into detail. All I know is that they weren’t true. What really bothers me is the fact that Ellen called me on Thursday, telling me not to come to work on Friday but she didn’t call me during the weekend and ask how I was feeling.


Yeah, yeah so enough complaining! I haven’t heard from any of the jobs that I applied for yet. I thought for sure that I would get yelled at today for calling in 4 times last week. But nope. I didn’t. I heard about a nurse that kept calling in and calling in and got fired, so I figured I might get fired too. That was a blessing. Something amazing happened last night. All night, before going to bed, I was shaking and so nervous. I was having a panic attack because I was thinking about going to work. I prayed and prayed to God. It was almost like I was begging. What happened? My panic suddenly subsided and everything was okay. How’s that for a testimony? I was able to get the best sleep I’ve had in a while. Except for the fact that I was sweating to death. I don’t know why but I broke out in a sweat. It got the point where I just threw my blankets on the floor and said oh well. All day I was sweating too. I don’t know what’s come over me. It’s not like I have a fever anymore. Maybe I am just dehydrated? That happens to me when I don’t drink my big bottle of water that I carry around with me. I haven’t had that bottle in a while. I don’t know.

In about 7 days or so I will get weighed and measured again at Curves. I’m scared to find out what the results are. I know I dropped a few pounds, but not many. No one even noticed that I was out all of last week at Curves. I don’t care.

I can’t wait until the nicer weather gets here. The snow is long gone due to the rain we got overnight. But I am dying at the wheel here to go for a nice long walk! I love to walk around my house but I don’t do it during the winter. Why? I can’t stand the cold weather.

That patient that loved me left today. Aww. He was such a sweetheart. He thanked me for all that I did. I didn’t know he was leaving so I asked him and he said yes. Come to find out, he wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, he was the one who threw those q-tips in the toilet that one time. Remember that? Yeah…but he was so nice. I meant his wife today and she was so pretty. I seriously thought that he was too young to be married, but I guess not. The wife looked as though she was way out of his league! LOL! Very pretty. Anyway, the patient hugged me. And so did his room mate who left too. I thought that was sweet. I never get hugs. Never. I’m a big hugger. When my brother comes to visit, I always hug him. Once when he gets in the door and another time right before he leaves. It just makes you feel loved! That’s something to smile about. I would never, ever hug a patient by myself, but if they wanna hug me by all means! 

Hmmm….what else is on my mind? The counseling center never called today. I kind of expected them to. Maybe tomorrow.

Yahoo Personals is still not working out. Oh well. Nice try, right?


I’m glad that my fever is gone and that I feel much better! Enough is enough, right? 


I can’t wait to go to Virginia. Still have yet to reserve the hotel room! Looking forward to it though! 










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