
Ahhh…You won’t believe this, but I called in again today. LOL! I don’t know whether that’s laughable or not….but you get my point. I was so tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night or the night before. So I called in. Part of the reason why was because I was sick of everyone else’s crap and didn’t want to deal with it. I knew that if I did go in, Ellen would be so ticked off at me and badger me with questions all day “Why didn’t you call in?” “Are you going to call in tomorrow?” “What made you come in today?” and all this. I can hear it now. So I gave her and everyone else what they wanted. I felt so naseaus today and dizzy. It felt like I was on a boat or in the middle of the ocean on an inner tube. I laid down and when I closed my eyes, it helped. I may just have to go to the doctors or something. To be honest, I haven’t been to the doctors in years. Since I was 16 I think. That’s not good. Let’s just hope and pray I don’t get fired. Now that I’ve called in a million times. What? Now Ellen is calling my house. Oh well. I’m not answering. How did she get my number? She called my cell too. I never gave her those numbers!!!

Ha! Get this: Ellen left me a voice mail and I called her back just now and she told me to feel free to call in tomorrow! She said to not be afraid to call in! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I should have known better! She’s so full of crap! It was all I could do not to burst out laughing when I heard that. I had to bite my tongue! See what I mean? How rude does everyone have to be?  You can bet your butt I am going to give it all I’ve got to go to work tomorrow now!

You know what would be so funny? If I went to work tomorrow and said something like, “Guess who’s back!” and pointed to me or if I said “I’m BBBBBBAAAAAACCCCCCCCCKKKKKK!” LOL! I could be like “It must be some kind of miracle cure overnight!” I don’t know if I could do that without laughing though.

What’s up with Open Diary? I tried and tried to go on the site but it wouldn’t load. Okay, now it works. Since writing the above paragraphs, I have decided NOT to go to work tomorrow….as much as I don’t want Ellen to win! I feel as though it’s just me against the world sometimes…Oh well. I don’t have any sick days left, so I am going to have to use my personal day instead of taking the last Friday of this month off, like I had anticipated. I’ll probably be fired for this. I wonder if I will.

Yeah well, I re-read what I wrote yesterday. I really do need to get a life! LOL! 



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