How are you al doing! It has been a while since i have last written, but things have gotten so busy with registering for school ( i am taking 19 hours next semester), and I work full time.  I still read you all, but I just never have time to write, my free time is spent with my son, his father, my family and friends and cleaning up.  Braylon is now 3 months and 13 lbs….what happened to my 5 lb baby that I took home? He laughs and smiles, and talks to you and he is very, very attentive.  If you wave bye-bye to him he will lift his arm as to say bye.  I know you are probably like yeah right, but I am telling the truth! He is my little love bug.  He follows me around the room with his eyes and my heart melts all the time! He is in daycare…he started Monday because my babysitter got a full time job.  I cried, it hurt so much!! But he is doing fine there, it is me….the annoying mother that calls every two hours to check on her offspring.  Any ways, that is pretty much it. Let me do this little tag thing.


Tell 7 random things about yourself and tag some people!

1. I am addicted to Mexican food

2. I love my son very, very much.

3. I am majoring in Pre-Pharmacy

4. My dad is an undercover cop

5. I hope to have one of those romance movie type relationships, but know it will never happen.

6. I am an only child, and Brandian (Braylon’s dad ) has one sister and one brother, yet my son has 20 aunts and 15 uncles!!

7. I love to listen to music and sing and make up choreography and pretend I am the singer of the song and perform a fake concert for my son Braylon!


Okay, well let me get back to work, and I promise I will try to do better! Please dn’t take me off your favorites


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