NoJoMo2007…..I’m BACK!***Edit


 EDIT:?FYI:  you may have heard about the University of Memphis Football Player that was killed on Campus on Sept. 29 named Taylor Bradford….in case you did…..he was my friend.  I met him 15 years ago…..I also know the guy that set him up, Devin Jefferson……I met him 3 years ago, on my first day at the University of Memphis.  That will be my entry tomorrow.  All about the murder!

So…..its been a while since I have written an entry!  No real reason, just been busy raising my beautiful (don’t believe me check out the profile pick!) son and going to school full time!

For those of you who don’t know me….or need to be reaquainted, let me introduce myself.  My name is Contrecia, but you can call me Trecie and I am a 21 year old, turning 22 on November 24, mother of one.  I am not married, but I am in a relationship with my son’s father.  We have been together over 3 years and I don’t see us ending anytime soon.  We are planning to be married, hopefully by the end of next year, but plans don’t always go as you plan them.  My son turned one on September 21, and he is a handful.  He used the potty for the first time last night.  His vocabulary is crazy and he learns new stuff everyday.  He knows where his nose, mouth and pee-pee are and he makes me so proud!  I love him more than I could ever express!  I am a senior majoring in BioChemistry planning to either go to Pharmacy School, Law School, Med School or Graduate School (for Architecture).  Architecture is my passion, my love; however, it is hard to do with a child.  It is more pressing than Med school byfar!  I am applying for grants at the moment to start my employment agency for those who have previously served time in prisions…..hoping to reduce the rate of recidivism and lower the crime rate across the country.  Big dreams?  Maybe, but don’t  put anything past me!

So thats just me……..HOPE U ENJOY

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